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As a bonus, the film offered a chance for Roberts to reunite with Clooney for the first time since 2016’s heist thriller ‘Money Monster’. But after a stretch including but not limited to ‘Pretty Women’, ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’, ‘Runaway Bride’, ‘Notting Hill’, and ‘Eat Pray Love’, Roberts says she struggled to fall in love with a script – that is, until ‘Ticket to Paradise’.

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Roberts, the patron saint of romantic comedies, hasn’t returned to the genre in nearly 20 years. The minute they land on the beach, she tells them: “You don’t have to do a whole Trojan Horse thing.” Ol Parker, best known for ‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’ and ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, directed ‘Ticket to Paradise’ and co-wrote the script with Daniel Pipski. “We have to do a Trojan Horse to make her think we’re OK with this,” Clooney tells his ex-wife. They attempt to set aside their differences and call a truce in the name of scaring their daughter out of marrying a person who is essentially a stranger. “I’m including the recovery,” he replied back.

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Another moment that tickled the funny bone of the crowd was Roberts and Clooney’s characters refused to sit next to each other on the plane and hurled insults until a flight attendant lets them switch.

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